It is Pastor Steve Cioccolanti’s passionate desire for his entire congregation to experience, what the bible refers to as the greatest thing: love. In this riveting message he unpacks the entire love chapter of the bible, verse by verse and explains how to apply that knowledge with another scripture. Learn why Pastor Steve quotes Doctor Scott Peck’s statement: Learning from their children is the best opportunity people have to assure themselves of a meaningful old age. If you are looking to resolve why you have been stuck in life and searching for the supernatural experience of the fullness of God’s love, you have found the right teaching to hear here.
Universal Issues of Marriage
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Categories: Bible, Bible Reading, Daily Devotion, Life Journaling, Children, Christian Foundations, Christian Living, Dating & Relationships, Difficult Times, Stress & Suffering, Discipleship & Spiritual Growth, Divorce, Emotional Wellness, Mental Issues & Psychology, Faith, Family, Marriage & Parenting, Friendship, Grace & Righteousness, Happiness, Health & Healing, Hearing God, Honor, Gratitude & Joy, Kingdom Culture, Leadership, Love, Marriage, Men, New Testament, Salvation, Victorious Living, Women, Youth
Tags: 1 Cor 13, 1 Corinthians 13, Agape, Anti-love, commitment, Conspicuous, consumption, Defiance, delay, Determination, discipline, Energy, Eros, Fake love, freedom, Giving, God's love, Gratification, Greek words, Grown up, love, marriage, modest, Pain, Philia, polite, Power allows love, Scott Peck, Sound mind, Storge, Suffers, surrender
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