What can one man do?
Most people feel, not much! We can’t change the world. We can’t fight the government system. We can’t even influence the surroundings around us. Why bother?
Romans 5:12 states “Wherefore, as by ONE MAN sin entered into the world… much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by ONE MAN, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many”
Just as ONE MAN (Satan) wreaked so much havoc, ONE MAN (Jesus Christ) brought salvation for the entire planet. Just like men of faith before us, such as John Wesley and Ulysses Grant, one man can bring forth change that will impact the nations.
How will you be remembered in the history books? What will be written on your tombstone when you die?
Don’t buy into the deceptions from the Devil that you are worthless or powerless. You were placed on this Earth to carry out a purpose! What you may be lacking is a proper game plan on how to run your race and fulfill your destiny.
In this sermon, Pastor Steve reveals the 7 KEYS you need to live the extraordinary and fulfilling life.
This is one teaching the Devil will not want you to hear. Get a copy, and start TAKING ACTION today!
7 Keys to Your Money & Marriage: Can You Change The World? | Unlock Your Destiny
What can one man do? Most people feel, not much! We can’t change the world. We can’t fight the government system. We can’t even influence the surroundings around us. Why bother? This sermon will help you find your significance and purpose in this world.
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