How do you cope with injustice in your life? You were taught to bless your enemies, does that solve the injustice you are facing? How did El Salvador, a nation once known as the murder capital, become a safe country in such a short time? Hearing the true story President Bukele reveals displays the power of prayer for justice. By learning from the example of the wisest king in the Bible, King Solomon, we understand what to pray for and why.
Discover the Biblical key to discerning God’s timing for justice, mercy, and judgment. Learn how to pray with supernatural authority to see real change in your nation. Understand the surprising reason the American church has been lukewarm and ineffective.
You can make a difference when you follow Biblical examples. If blessing is all you can do, this teaching will blow your mind and challenge you to rethink your approach. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti equips you with a Biblical perspective and powerful tools, all from the Holy Word of God.
This sermon prepares you for spiritual action with the prayer tools you need to make a real impact on your life, your family, and your whole nation. Pray for justice to usher in Jesus’ return.